

Designed by: Wenkai Hu   Group: iGEM17_SZU-China   (2017-10-18)

iGEM2017 SZU-China confirmed the function of BBa_K2232025.

We made characterization of this part in our chassis B.subtilis WB800.The sucrose was added in the culture medium when the value of OD600 reach stationary phase initially, and the final concentration of sucrose was 20mmol/L. Then we recorded the variation of OD600 by interval of 4 hours and the result is shown as follow.

Fig. The OD600 of original strain WB800 and recombinant B.subtilis WB800_MazEF recorded by interval of 4 hours.The red arrow represents the adjunction of Sucrose (20mmol/L).

As can be seen from the figure above, the Sucrose-limitation induced kill switch in B.subtilis didn’t show obvious function on our chassis.The reasons may be the concentration of sucrose wasn’t suitable or the degradation of ribonuclease toxin (mazF) is too fast.

Applications of BBa_K2232025

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